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The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, The World Makers Foundation, and Mahalle Art & Kultur have created two grant opportunities. Two visual artists or media makers who are based in the Netherlands with refugee/asylum-seeking backgrounds are invited to create a new piece of art using the archive collection of Sound & Vision. Artists with undocumented status are also encouraged to participate.

The grant
Each grantee is invited to create a new, autonomous media work that involves working with
the open digital collection of the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision. (Take a look at the collection)
● The working time lasts for six months, starting in April 2023 and ending in September 2023.
● The selected makers will receive a grant of €1,000 in total.
● The deadline for the submission of proposals is 23.59 pm on 12-03-2023.
● At the end of the grant the work will be presented at Sound & Vision.

Working period
If selected, you can work on your artwork for six months. You are not expected to work full-time on the project, feel free to use the time to your liking. You can do research, experiment and test out a large part of the collection of Sound & Vision. You will receive a grant of € 1,000 to create your artwork, which can be spent on working time, materials and other requirements for your project. You will also receive guidance from the curating institutions, providing you with knowledge and insights of working with archival materials. During the working period makers will be able to participate in other activities, such as workshops and lectures organized by Sound & Vision.

The collection
Sound & Vision holds one of the largest audiovisual collections in the world, including radio
and television programs, video(games), documentary and nature films, audio and music
recordings, websites, and more. For this grant, we use the part that can be used freely or without a paid license. You can already browse through a part of the inspiring collection via open images. More about the Sound & Vision collection can be found here.
This grant is created to enable makers to provide new insights into the collection of Sound & Vision. Furthermore the organizations hope to pilot supporting creatives with
refugee/asylum-seeking/undocumented backgrounds and provide an example of
collaboration for other public institutions.

How to apply
If you are interested in the grant, please send us a proposal in English or in Dutch. Applying
can be done by one of the following;
● Send a written proposal of a project you would like to work on. (Max 2 pages.)
● Send a video in which you explain your proposal. (Max 3 minutes.)
● Present your idea to us online or in person. You can plan an appointment via email.
A proposal needs to include all of the following elements:
● a theme or topic you want to explore,
● a reason to use archival materials
● your experience in working with audiovisual materials (this is not a requirement)
● a small budget and planning on how you wish to spend your resources.
Proposals may be submitted until 12 pm (CET) on 23.59 pm on 12-03-2023. You can contact us via makers@beeldengeluid.nl.

The selection
The selection committee is made up of a representative of each organization + one external artist. Together they will select two proposals. Everybody who applied will receive a confirmation of their application and before March 30 you will receive the committee’s
decision. It is not possible to discuss draft applications in advance.
Want to know more about the grant, how to apply or do you have any other questions?
Please send an email to makers@beeldengeluid.nl.

Jan 23

“Continue This Thread” : Social [Distancing] Fabric at new exhibition

Social [Distancing] Fabric at the exhibition “Continue This Thread

The Amsterdam Museum presents a brand-new exhibition on the power of crafting: “Continue This Thread” opening February 17 2023. It is a presentation about the power of crafting as interpreted through more than a hundred textile objects, including our collaborative embroidery project the Social [Distancing] Fabric.

Fashion designers Tess van Zalinge and Karim Adduchi were invited as guest curators to work with the Amsterdam Museum’s Curator of Fashion and Popular Culture, Roberto Luis Martins. Both Karim and Tess have garnered a reputation in recent years with designs inspired by historical and regional crafting techniques. With sustainable collections such as ‘natuurlijk’ (Van Zalinge 2022) and community projects like Social [Distancing] Fabric (misschien hier een link in naar de pagina over het Social Distancing Fabric?) (Adduchi & The World Makers, 2020), both fashion designers offer more sustainable and innovative visions in the field of craft, design, and co-creation.The exhibition also provides a stage for various designers from the city who apply handwork techniques in innovative ways. The exhibition ‘Continue This Thread. Karim Adduchi x Tess van Zalinge’ will be on view from February 17 to September 3, 2023 at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel (Amstel 51)

Feb 23

The World Makers joins Story Jam: New Neighbours

The World Makers joins Story Jam: New Neighbours

‘Story Jam: New Neighbours’is an initiative of the Storytellers United in cooperation with Sound & Vision and the Netherlands Film Festival. During three days, people work together in multidisciplinary teams under the guidance of coaches on new intercultural story prototypes. Each prototype casts a different light on the multicultural society of the Netherlands and uses the medium that best suits the makers and their story. Projects can for example take the form of a web experience, but also be VR, performance, app or installation. After three days of working together, the teams will share their results publicly during the Netherlands Film Festival.

This year the theme will be New Neighbours. That is why we invite creatives of all professional backgrounds with an interest in innovative forms of storytelling to take part. Perhaps you do photography, develop websites, produce podcasts, make theatre, are into data visualisation, create immersive experiences in VR or AR, excel at designing user interfaces or you enjoy editing videos for online platforms. Whatever experience you bring, you certainly have an open mind and enjoy collaborating across disciplines.

We especially encourage you to join if you have moved to the Netherlands from another country. With this Story Jam we want to build on the unique perspectives from people who are new to this country and celebrate intercultural collaboration, experiences and stories.

For more info and to watch the beautiful things made, visit: Story Jam: New Neighbours · Storytellers Unitedhttps://storytellers.link/events/story-jam-new-neighbours/

Sep 22